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and I love stovetop coffee:

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Monday, January 30, 2006

Pod Coffee Makers

Two more yummy home roast espressos this morning. Considering I found it hard to wake up today, I've been busy: roasted my fifth batch (the others are running low), cleaned the house, taken my toddler to the park and added an article to the main site... and it's only mid-morning! Must be the caffeine!

More and more of my friends are buying Pod Coffee Makers. I would never buy one myself... especially after home roasting! I suppose they're fast and convenient - and if you like 'gadgets' you'll be sucked in. The truth is that they're still preground, stale coffee and will never reproduce the flavour, aroma or crema of a true espresso... no matter how good the marketing is. Anyhoo... since there seems to be so much interest in these, I've posted a new article about Pod Coffee Makers to the main site.


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