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Monday, March 20, 2006

Latte Art Notes - Paul Bassett's Coffee Crazy DVD

I recently bought the "Coffee Crazy" DVD from Paul Bassett. It was originally a 45 minute TV-special. I really enjoyed the special features- especially the Latte-Art by Luigi Lupi. Some of the things I noted from the DVD:

  1. Luigi froths his milk before pouring the espresso. This is something I do simply because the home machine takes minutes to froth the milk - by this time the crema has dissipated. Best to pour the espresso afterwards. Luigi was using a commercial machine, so not sure why he froths first.

  2. It helps to have a prominant pouring spout on the milk jug and wide mouthed cups to pour into.

  3. Dusting the crema with chocolate powder before pouring the milk will give more definition to the art.

  4. Milk pouring should be done quite quickly.

  5. and a couple of other things that I can't remember right now! I think I'd better back to this later :-}



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