Monday, March 13, 2006
Yummy Coffee
As I've written more than a few times... home roasted coffee tastes great! Most of my home coffees are really good, but every now and then, I make a cup that my better-half classes as 'Yummy'! This morning's espressos were just that... Yummy double-shot flat whites. The roast was from yesterday afternoon - probably about 18 hours old. It was 50/40/10 Lington/Brazil/Columbian (see archived post for full names). I stopped the roast it just before the second crack.
Yesterday we went out for breakfast to a place in Subiaco called "The Coffee House". You'd think with a name like that the coffee would be good. It was awful! Really far from Yummy. The food and service were fine and it was obvious the 'barista' took pride in his work (even a touch of Latte art). The coffee was just old and stale and therefore very bitter with rancid overtones. YUK! On top of that, I ordered a long macchiato - I was served a Latte! I'm feeling the urge to go on a crusade to transform the Perth coffee scene - or I could just eat brekky at home! :-)
Needless to say, we went home and had one of my Yummy espressos.
Food and Drink Espresso Coffee
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