Too cute!
and I love stovetop coffee:

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Chim Chimeny Chim Chim Coffee

Remember a previous post where my makeshift Golden Circle popper chimney fell off mid-roast? Well it taught me a lesson! The particular beans I was roasting at the time were "Indonesian Arabica Lington". I had not liked the previous batches of this bean. They always had a flavour that didn't appeal to me. I guess it was because I was roasting too dark... actually about 1 minute into the second crack. The lighter roast - about 2 minutes after the first crack - is really nice with this bean.

So, I'm glad the chimney fell off. Now I know to try lighter roasts with any new beans I buy.

That said, I'm about to tin-snip away at the Chimney in an attempt to make it fit more securely. I don't want it falling off again. Those beans are hot!!!



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