Too cute!
and I love stovetop coffee:

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Missing my coffee and caffeine withdrawal

It's been a while since my last post... and, for that matter, my last roast! I've been away on a short holiday. I chose not to drink coffee whilst I was away. Nowadays, any coffee I have away from home is just awful. I'd rather drink awful tea! I sure missed the caffeine... had quite a sore head for two days and dosed up on paracetamol.

I've just finished a roast this morning. My makeshift Golden Circle chimney fell off (@#%&^!!) about 3 mins after the first crack, so this is a lighter roast than I have made before. It looks nice and even and a deep brown colour. I normally always let the roast reach second crack. It will be nice to try something different. I might try this roast in a plunger. Hmmm...


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