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and I love stovetop coffee:

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Monday, March 27, 2006

More home roasted espresso frustration!

I can't believe it! The last few days, I have made the worst espressos ever. I can't get the milk to froth at all and I can't get the grind right. Either pouring too fast or too slow.

Add to that my sad attempt at roasting decaf. I tried to stop the roast just after the first crack, but it must have been too early. The coffee tastes very 'bready' and, well... yuck! I didn't even finish it. This is only my second attempt at roasting decaf. The first I roasted too long and it tasted very burnt. It's frustrating not to get it right - the dacafeinated green beans are almost twice the price of the others.

Here's hoping tomorrow's more exciting on the coffee front.



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