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and I love stovetop coffee:

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Friday, February 17, 2006

Coffee Desires

Roasted up my second ever blend this morning. No skill involved - just thought I'd throw some beans together. This one was 50/40/10 Columbian/Brazil/Lington (See previous post for full bean names). I'll let it rest to degas today, but can't wait to try it out tomorrow.

I'm having heaps of fun roasting and pouring espressos, but I'm still frustrated by milk pouring - coffee art - latte art - whatever you want to call it. I found a great article this morning and now can't wait to get home to try again (at work on break right now). Check out the article by clicking on the title of this post. Here's a quote from the start of the article:
Have you ever had a cappuccino that looked like a work of art and felt smooth in your mouth? I hope you have, because that is what a cappuccino is all about. And if you had it you would probably agree with me that it is hard to go back to drinking bubbly, fluffy marenge cappuccino again.
So my most impatient coffee desires:
1. to create some simple free-pour latte art
2. to buy and grow my own coffee tree

I don't know why #2. I was listening to the CoffeeGeek podcast and they were talking about how coffee is grown and harvested in Ethiopia. It really caught my imagination, so now I want to grow my own... not that I hadn't pondered the idea before. I'm not much of a gardener though, so I'll have to be sure I can commit to the tree before I buy one. I know they take 3 or more years (I think) to produce any fruit. It would just be really cool to say I have grown, harvested, dried, roasted and brewed a cup of coffee all in my own home.

Until next time...



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