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and I love stovetop coffee:

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Home Coffee Roasters

Hi there fellow Home Coffee Roasters! Yes, I know, it's been ages since my last post.

I'm embarrassed that more than once I've pledged my intention to start posting here again... and also to add content to Coffee Makers Cafe. But time seems to slip away.

And yet today, I'm feeling inspired! You might be surprised to learn I've started a new blog at Home Coffee Roasters. That one is a small project I'm undertaking as part of something called the 30 Day Challenge... and basically it will be primed to generate some cash for my addiction to all things coffee!

So check it out. Enjoy. And go buy a home coffee roaster straight away... just kidding.

I've good intentions to be back soon, so stick around!




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