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and I love stovetop coffee:

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Six Steps Get You Making Great Coffee at Home

The more I immerse myself in the world of coffee, the more I forget what it's like to be a newbie.

I remember a time when I didn't even know the difference between espresso and filter coffee. I couldn't understand why my home made coffee didn't taste like cafe coffee.

That was the reason I set up my website in the first place. If you're stuck at the beginning... if you don't know what coffee maker or coffee machine to buy, take the time to walk through my Coffee Makers Cafe six-step guide to great coffee at home.

I'm loving home-roasting and gorgeous home-espressos. I'm exploring coffee culture through cafe experience, books, the wonderful internet and serious coffee podcasts. But I don't want to forget the reason I started this journey in the first place... to get more people like you making great coffee at home.

Get cracking!



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