Too cute!
and I love stovetop coffee:

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Friday, May 19, 2006

9 reasons why roasting coffee is a better hobby than scrapbooking

All the women around me are into scrapbooking... and it's freaking me out. I just don't get it. I can't understand spending money on albums, craft-kits, storage boxes, blah, blah... just for an album that gets looked at every now and then.

Don't get me wrong, I do admire my friends' work. I think everything looks great - but I can't justify the cost. I've never been a craft kind of person. As far as I'm concerned, you can keep quilt-making, scrapbooking and dollmaking and for yourself!

So here's nine reasons you should stick the scrapbooking (p.t.p.) and take up home roasting. I can think of more, but 9 is a nice number.

  • It actually saves you money

  • You get a bonus aromatherapy session (no glue fumes!)

  • There's less mess... the quantity of chaff doesn't even come close to the scrap paper clippings

  • Your partner will appreciate it

  • You can actually talk about it to other people and they're interested (unlike scrapbooking!).

  • The result is consumable - so you get to enjoy it again and again

  • It doesn't waste paper

  • It doesn't waste hours upon hours of your time

  • You get to meditate for 10-15 minutes... hypnotized by the whir of your roaster or popper... watching the beans change from green, to gold, to caramel, to brown... aaah. (Unless of course your two-year-old is awake: in which case you can spend 10-15 minutes jumping on the mini-tramp or drawing!).



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