Too cute!
and I love stovetop coffee:

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

All fired up about coffee

My most expensive coffee cost $20 from the Hyatt Hotel, here in Perth WA. It was a Cafe Diablo and we were paying for the show more than the coffee. I remember the barista/barman bringing a trolley out into the lounge area where we were. It was loaded with fragrant cloves, pre-poured espresso, sugar, alcohol and fresh fruit. The show commenced with the peeling of an orange whilst the fragrance of cloves wafted through the lounge. This was followed by stylish cocktail flair with the Cognac and Grand Marnier as it was poured over the length of twisted orange peel. Finally the entire twist of peel was lit up in a string of fire. It was really impressive and well worth the dosh$$. Making it even more special was the live musician playing piano and singing as accompaniment to our show.

If you'd like to try something similar at home... learn how here:
Coffee Coffee - Hot Coffee drinks: "If you ever wanted to have a hot Coffee drink on fire, then this is the one. This is a fantastic diner party drink, the Cafe Diablo is hot, strong and on fire, and you will be the star of the special �VIP guests only� diner party. That, and most guests will entertain a substantial increase in drunkenness."



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