Too cute!
and I love stovetop coffee:

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Lazy home coffee roaster

Well, a couple of months ago I never thought I'd feel too lazy to roast up a new batch of coffee. Given the benefits of home roasting (fresh taste, cheap green beans, fun times for all!), I thought I was hooked. A couple of weeks ago, I went away for a weekend. Upon returning home I began to use up some pre-roasted beans I had stored in the freezer. The taste was acceptable, so I took some time off from the popcorn popper.

When I finally began craving the taste and aroma of a fresh roast (last week), I decided to start home roasting again. Only now my coffee doesn't taste so great. I've over-roasted, under-roasted, not stirred the beans enough... blah, blah, blah. Just can't seem to get it right. This is really discouraging!

So now I'm thinking I should go and buy one of those expensive home roasters... gee, when I get something in my head!!! I'll try to distract myself and see if I can put off spending the money for a few more months. I've lasted since January already.

I'm going to roast another batch of green today. It had better come out nicely or I might go and buy some pre-roasted beans! It's a threat!



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