Too cute!
and I love stovetop coffee:

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Home Roasted Coffee Pics

Today I'm bumping some pictures up from a previous post. These pics were taken early 2006 during two separate home coffee roasting sessions. And you can see pics of my new espresso machine and grinder... which are now just over a year old!

Both the grinder and espresso machine are still working like a charm... though they're a bit stained with coffee. My only complaint about the espresso machine is that the silver coating has curled a little from the heat. This happened when I accidentally left the machine on at length. The heating element blistered the silver coating. IMO this really should not have happened! After all, the machine should be designed to withstand the mild heat.

Home Coffee Roasting Home Coffee Roasting

Home Coffee Roasting Home Coffee Roasting

Home Coffee Roasting